We’re not talking about throwing yourself a fun Spring Break party in your garage. We’re talking about that strange, loud noise that you heard that might have made you think your garage was under siege. When you step into the garage to locate the source of the sound, you might not have noticed anything out of place at first. However, when you opened up the garage door the next time, you notice that it is making a strange sound and does not seem to be working right. In those cases, there is a good chance that the lifting spring has snapped in two.
In Canada, a house is broken in to every 90 seconds and in the US, every 18 seconds. Respectively, 80% and 60% occur during the day.
The garage door is a good entry point for burglars. The garage often contains valuable belongings--motorcycles, mountain bikes, cars etc. Often, these robberies occur because of negligence. And we sometimes forget to lock our car doors.
Doing the work yourself is certainly a good option with many types of projects including building a house or performing major home renovations. But there’re some jobs where you really the need technical expertise of a technician. There are some things we are very good at, but they are others that are at least somewhat outside of our skillset.
Thinking about adding a bit of personality to your home? Interested in increasing the curb appeal of your house so it will sell faster? Whatever the situation, you need to think about your garage door. It’s one of the first things your neighbors see, but it’s also one of the first things a prospective buyer will see when driving up to the property.
The garage, as useful of a room as it might be, does not always get the full attention that it deserves. Even when people tend to spend a lot of time in the garage, they do not always know what they need to do in order to make it a comfortable space. It could make a great playroom for the kids, a nice place to spend some time enjoying your favorite hobby, or perhaps playing some games. There are plenty of options.
If you like the overall look of your garage door, but think something is missing, it could be natural light. Are you wondering if you should add decorative windows to improve the look of your garage? There are several pros and cons to consider before you start – but this beautiful and stylish addition to a home is a great way to give your space an instant face lift.
Yoga can be an amazing way to relax and unwind, to improve your physical and mental health. However, to do that, you need a quiet, serene place where you can practice uninterrupted. That can be tough to find in your home. The good news is that your garage can be easily transformed with just a few basic steps.
You always expect for your garage door opener to work properly. When it doesn’t, it can be frustrating, especially if you can’t quickly figure out what’s wrong so you can fix it. On this page, you will find some great videos that can provide you with information on how to deal with some of the most common issues that could be causing problems with your garage door opener.
Being a hockey family means hockey equipment is everywhere in your home. Odds are, you don’t have a professional-grade locker room in your house, so you’re probably struggling with where and how to store everything your players need. If you have a garage, however, you may be able to solve your hockey gear storage needs. Here are some tips you can use to keep your family’s hockey gear clean and safe in your garage.
Do you look at your garage door and wish that it were a different color? Maybe the paint has started to crack with age, or perhaps the color has started to wear away. Even if it was only painted recently, you might still feel that it is time to change up the color and to improve the style. No matter the reason, you can change the look of your door and give your garage and home a new look. It’s easier than you might think.